  • don schaffer
    Software Developer

A little about me.

     I bought my first 35mm camera from J.C.Penny when I was a junior in high school. During my senior year, I was a photographer on the yearbook staff and even photographed my first wedding. After high school, and 4 years in the Air Force, I went back to college to complete an art degree and was hired by McDonnell-Douglas as a graphic artist. I continued to take random photography courses and even rented studio space in downtown St. Louis for a short while.
     For the next three decades, I did photography for several studios (Haller Concepts, Saratoga Studio, Anmar Photography, Complete Photo and Video, and Trotter Photography) in addition to my own clients.
     In 2015, I switched gears and became a software developer. I did my final wedding and closed my photography business in 2020, soon after the Covid pandemic started.
     I still do some photography, but now it is more about creating and having fun instead of making a living. I created this website as a place where I can share what I have done in the past, as well as what I'm doing now.

©2024 Don Schaffer. All rights reserved.
